Sunday, February 2, 2014

Is it a ScrumMaster weakness, or is there more to it?

Is it a ScrumMaster weakness, or is there more to it?

I have noticed that no two companies utilize Agile in the same way, it is always a hybrid. Such as Agil-fall, Water-gile, Scum-ban, and Agil-icious (Okay, I made that one up).

Slow Erosion
They key to Agile's success is how the ScrumMaster (SM) deals with the variations.  I heard from multiple recruiters that some SMs are rigid in their approach.  This is the letter of law of Scrum and I don't allow for deviation, to paraphrase.  In my opinion, that goes against the very meaning of being agile -  "having a quick resourceful and adaptable character."

This is a slow erosion of Agile principles that needs to be corrected.  If the SM fails to perform at a high level the Scrum framework will collapse under its own weight.

I feel the underlying reason this is happening stems from thinking one can take a 2-day training class and miraculously become an effective ScrumMaster.  

To me, that is like saying once a Medical Doctor (MD) gets certified he is good at what he does.  I don't know about you but I don't want a rookie MD cutting into my body.

I feel it takes at least a year of working in an Agile/Scrum environment before the ScrumMaster can fully understand the system.  It takes even more years to learn the variations.

The Agile methodology is only as strong as the people working within it.  The Product Owner position seems to be understood, but the importance of the SM position continues to be underestimated.

ScrumMasters communicate complex issues to product, stakeholders & developers. They coach engineers. They coach product. They coach executives. They foresee roadblocks and adjust around or plow over them. They report. They manage tools. They define processes. They bust-up ineffective overhead. They empower those around them. They manage (effective) meetings. They lead by example. They ship (damn good) code. They take the blame. They deflect the praise. They listen. They suggest. They rally the troops. They make work fun.

More importantly than all else, however, they seek & speak the truth - regardless of the fallout.


Unscrum Hero

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