Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Quick Start for Scrum Projects

Quick Start for Scrum Projects

The Basics

Initiating a Scrum project should not be difficult. If a team has not had any training in Scrum it is a good idea to initiate the project with a two-days training session where training is combined with practice. Exactly how you would define the agenda for this is something that should be defined when considering the participants and the project. A good approach is to practice planning mixed in with the training.

This is done using a series of steps, see below.

Proposed Agenda
  • If non-Agile; hold training session educating staff in the specifics of Agile
  • Teach Scrum concepts, theory, practices
  • Present project vision, goals, timelines
  • Teach Sprint planning
  • Define Product Backlog for at least three months
  • Brainstorm about overcoming impediments
  • Brainstorm about Product Backlog for next Sprint - team commits
  • Team defines the first Sprint Backlog
  • Teach Daily Scrum, Sprint review, and management
  • Discuss engineering tools and practices

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