Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A short description of my Agile/Scrum philosophy

My Agile/Scrum Philosophy

Since 1998 I have been working in an Agile environment, since 2007 I have been utilizing the Scrum framework (and others).

I am of the mindset that the Agile/Scrum Coach should be embedded in the teams in a servant/leader role.  To act as an internal driving force that lives and breathes Agile. I can will teach, mentor, and coach your Agile Steering Committee, Managers, Product Owners (POs), ScrumMasters (SMs), and the Development Teams on the use of Agile/Scrum. Building a strong Agile foundation and nurturing it within the scope of the companies current regulations, processes, and procedures.

I have helped companies complete their transition into Agile, I have initiated Agile in companies, and I have helped recommend/reinforce the framework chosen (Scrum, Kanban, Lean, etc.).

Coach: Agile Transformations

I am always looking for ways to perfect the evolution of software/application development through pragmatic thinking and the use of my technical background.  My Agile experience has been spent working on medium to large programs; including working on multiple programs simultaneously. I have experience managing offshore teams, geographically distributed teams, colocated teams, and any combination therein.

I feel the advancement of software development must include the blending of various Agile approaches (Scrum, Kanban, Lean, etc.). It is common for companies to use a hybrid version of agile and the frameworks; Agile-fall or Water-gile, to name a couple.

I am a coach that works closely with all levels of management utilizing strong communication and collaboration techniques (C-Level, SVPs, VPs, Directors, Managers, POs, QAs, BAs, Technical Leads, and Developers).  I possess (a):

  • Strong understanding of business practices
  • Strong understanding of engineering/technical practices
  • Strong understanding of management/process practices
  • Experience coaching individuals, teams, and organizations
  • Experience mitigating enterprise level risks/issues
My Specialty

Working in the capacity of a communication liaison between Stakeholders (internal/external), Business Units, Management, and Development Teams would be my most prolific strength.  I can easily translate business requirements into workable IT solutions regardless of complexity, geographical barriers, political climate, and/or management levels.

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